Certispec is a member and has adopted the code and the working practices of the International Federation of Inspection Agency (I.F.I.A.)

It is also culture and practices within our company:

• To provide all our services in a professional, independent and impartial manner, and in full compliance with the methods, practices and policies approved by Certispec.
• Always act with impartiality, without conflict of interest.
• Ensure that our services are provided in a transparent manner to ensure the quality of services and the best price in a competitive process.
• We recognize the benefits of a free market and fair competition.
• Comply fully with the laws of the countries where we do business.
• To keep confidential all the information provided by our customers and can only be revealed after the approval of each customer.


certispec cameroun inspection cacao cafe afrique« Through continuous monitoring and improvement of our work procedures and a management process and by maintaining a regular and open dialogue with our customers, we are dedicated to providing each of our clients with the services of inspections, controls, Samples and analyzes that respond exactly and completely to their requirements with diligence and impartiality for each intervention»

(237) 656 13 28 13 / 676 01 25 02

Fax : (33) 173 76 92 19


763 rue Koumassi Bali

B.P. 1956 Douala, Cameroun

Marc Lapointe
Directeur Général

Pierre R. Moukouri Njoh
Responsable Opérations